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SocialOcto Ranks Within Top 20 New York Logo Design Companies

SocialOcto has been recognized among the Top 20 New York Logo Design Companies by DesignRush Marketplace.

DesignRush Marketplace is a reliable online guide focused on helping individuals find the most effective professional companies and agencies categorized according to vertical and area of expertise.

After evaluating and analyzing SocialOcto's strategy, execution, expertise and performance, the online platform gave SocialOcto a spot among some of the most reputable marketing agencies throughout New York.

SocialOcto is an up-and-coming digital marketing agency focused on providing up-and-coming business with their marketing needs in an ethical, affordable manner.

What makes SocialOcto stand out from the competition is the fact that they view their clients as partners - not jobs. They not only manage and execute these marketing activities, but also show their clients how to do it themselves so they can continue to keep the ball rolling as time goes on.

SocialOcto has been growing tremendously over the last several months, and has been picking up a range of awards and recognitions for their high quality work and customer satisfaction. On top of this recognition, SocialOcto has also been recognized as one of the top agencies that provide public relations and web design throughout New York state.

To learn more about what SocialOcto offers, click here.

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