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According to Trustpilot, nearly nine out of ten consumers read reviews before making a purchase.
Customer reviews

Generate Customer Reviews

Nobody likes to spend their time reviewing a product, and half the time if they do, it's not an honest review. Think about it - you probably don't write reviews even for your favorite products and services. Most of the time if someone is writing a review, they're not happy and they want the world to know about it.


So how do we get your customers to spend a few minutes to actually review your product or service? Simple - we make it worth their time. Through an incentivized nurture campaign, we'll reward your customers for their honest feedback. 


You get new, honest reviews. Your customers get an incentive. It's a win-win.

Reputation Management

Do you know what your customers are saying about you? In many cases, you might have no idea what they're thinking, or even saying to others about your product or service.


With our reputation analysis and social listening strategies, we'll provide you with an in-depth analysis on your current share-of-voice and overall "image" of your brand in today's landscape. From here, you'll be able to gain insights on the many different areas your brand's being talked about, and begin to manage your reputation instead of "hoping for the best."


Warning: This analysis is going to be brutally honest, so don't yell at us if you don't like what you see!


Leverage Customer Touchpoints

Half the time organizations don't have reviews is because they simply don't ask. And when they do ask, they don't ask in the right way, in the right place, or at the right time.


We'll work with you to strategize the best way to reach out to your customers without it being annoying or spammy. By figuring out how your customers interact with your product or service, we'll be able to build an entire review strategy to naturally generate reviews from your customers.

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